Welcome to the blog for Ms. Aby's World History class!

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby's 10th grade World History class at Jefferson High School in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on prompts that ask them to reflect on history and how it connects with their views. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post 3: Are we Rome?

From Ways of the World (2009), “The US enormous multicultural society, its technological achievements, its economically draining & overstretched armed forces, its sense of itself as unique & endowed with a global mission, its concern about foreigners penetrating its borders, its apparent determination to maintain military superiority - all of this invited comparison with the Roman Empire. Supporters of a dominant role for the US argue that Americans must face up to their responsibilities as the ‘undisputed master of the world’ as the Romans did in their time. Critics warn that the Roman Empire became overextended abroad & corrupt & dictatorial at home & then collapsed, suggesting that a similar fate may await the American empire.”

What do you think? Is the US Rome? Do we have an empire? If we have an empire is it collapsing? Explain your answer. Write a full paragraph to answer the prompt.


  1. In many ways I think ancient Rome and the US are alike. In some ways I do feel like the US is an empire because we are the wealthiest country and feel as if we are the most important country in the world. Although we have many current problems in the US I don't think we are collapsing. We have a good, stable government and laws. We also have many sources of essential needs, so overall I think we aren't collapsing even though the many challanges we face.

  2. In a way the US is like Rome. The US currently in my opinion is the strongest "empire" The better leader we have (the President) the stronger our country is. Also, we have public works just like the Romans did. Yes, the US has an empire. As of now, our empire is for sure going thought some tough times but I definitly do not think it is collapsing. We would know if it were.

  3. I think that the US and Rome are the same in many ways. The way they are power hungry is one of the big ones. The US is definitely an empire right now. It is one of the most powerful countries in the world, if not the most powerful. The reason that I think that the US won't collapse is that the US isn't a monarchy. The power is spread throughout many people and I do not think that the US empire is going collapse as long as it stays a democracy, which will be for a very long time.

  4. I think that US is similar to Rome. The US is probably one of the strongest countries in the world. We need to realize that we are very strong and we could fall just as fast. As long as we don't get too big too fast, we should be just fine.

  5. The US is deffinately like Rome. We are feared for our powerful military, just as Rome was. Rome expanded their empire more and more, until it got too big to be able to control. The exact same thing is happening to us, we are spreading our military over to Iraq, they're already in Afghanistan, and we are making no progress in these areas. The US needs to accept where they are and focus on only themselves, because we will fall eventually. With the falling economy, we are already on the start of a collapse, so it's only a matter of time unless something is done.

  6. I think that in some ways we are a lot like Rome. On one hand, we're like a stronger empire because we're winning most of the wars and are very united, but there are other differences too. The main one is that Roman Emperors didn't last long. All they cared about was gaining more land and power, which led to the murders of emperor after emperor. We, however, are a democracy. We chose who we would like to 'rule' us, and we also highly protect the person we elect so we have a more organized government.

  7. I think that there are many things that we have in common with the roman empire and how we rule is much the same. I do think that we have an empire and it is a great one at that. The reason that we have an empire is people keep coming to our country because we have freedom here that no other place has. I think that the reason the roman empire collapsed was that they didn't have enough freedoms in their government and so they got corrupt and our government that is based on democracy isn't failing at all it is working just as well as it always has.

  8. I think that the USA and ancient Rome are in fact similar in many ways such as our strong political influence and our prosperous trade and interactions with other nations. We saw the rise and fall of the Roman empire and have been able to learn a lot from studying these events. In the US we are also a very influential nation and we hold a lot of power in the world. However similar we may seem to the ancient Roman civilization, i think that we, unlike the romans, will be able to pull ourselves out of our current economic situation and continue to be a strong nation.

  9. I do believe that the U.S. is becoming Rome, and is starting to collapse similarly to Rome. In the same way that Rome conquered many different areas, we have stretched ourself too thin by becoming a part of almost every foreign affair. We are attempting to help to Middle East reconstruct their civilization, while simultaneously helping relief efforts in Haiti and Chile. Also we have a large empire like Rome. We are the most powerful society on earth and everything basically revolves around us. For example, when are economy began to fail it effected the economy of all other major countries around the world. Because we have a large empire and it is beginning to collapse, I think that it is safe to compare us to Rome.

  10. In a way I believe the U.S. is Rome. We have a big land that is very hard to control. We try to over power smaller countries in order to get what we want. We have a very complex government that seems to get us no where now days. So in a way we are like Rome. Rome had a massive empire and fell because it was to large for them to control. We are heading the the path that Rome is i, unless we do something to change. If we do not change than we can end up just like Rome.

  11. I think that the United Sates and Rome are very similar. We both have large areas of land that are all under one governing officer but they have smaller officers, like senators and mayors and all of that. I think that we, the US are an empire. during times of trouble in our country we have presidents that maybe aren't as strong, if we were in ancient times then we would have collapsed, but because we have built up credentials with other countries and have strong alliances and built up power, we have stayed in tact as a country.

  12. US and Rome are very similar. We are both fighting a loosing war at what could be considered the peak of our society. For instance, the US is considered to be a "powerhouse" country with its technological, medical, and societal advances. Similar, Rome created religious, government, and architecture advances. With these achievements, both Rome and the US have created enemies and are in war. Despite these similarities, I do not believe that the US is going to collapse as an empire. They have been through worse times with the Great Depression, Civil War, and World Wars. I believe this is just a difficult period of time with the war and economics. After getting a new president, the economy slowly been improving and attempts are being made to solve the many problems the US are facing.

  13. I do not think that were going to collapse. Governments go through hard times all the time. i believe that the stronger the leader the stronger our government, it is possible that our government could collapse but i doubt it. Why would our government elect a not so strong ruler? And if we would accidently elect the wrong man for the job then he would be impeached and we elect someone new to keep our government strong. :)

  14. The Roman Empire and the US are similar in certain ways and in other ways are different. The Roman empire collapsed because it tried to spread its borders too far. The US has spread its influence to Iraq and other places in Europe to help others. Although there are controversies about whether America should be involved, I believe that we have not stretched to the point of decline. I do think that the US is an empire because we have a government, public works, and arts and arcitecture. I think that the US is currently strong and stable so I do not believe that our empire is collapsing as the Roman Empire did.

  15. In a few ways US and Rome may be similar. I think we have are some what like an empire. US is not really an empire because we have more rights. US also isn't like an empire because if you say something bad about the emperor or president you wouldn't get killed.

  16. I think that The US and rome are similar in some ways. Rome wanted power and so does the US, the US is one of the most powerful right now just like Rome was. But even though we are powerful and an empire, the US in my opinion wont collapse because we have learned from others mistakes over time. Also our power is spread through many people and all the states are together as one instead of separate.

  17. I believe that the US is much like Rome. Although we are not entirely as expansion oriented as Rome was, we do have military bases on almost every country, constantly showing our military muscle to the rest of the world. We also are consistently involved the political affairs of foreign entities, showing the attitude of being a global police force. While I don't specifically disagree with that, current domestic issues in the US have the potential to consume our nation from the inside out, and our priorities should be set accordingly. Yes, I do believe the United States is an empire, but not necessarily on the track to collapsing like Rome did.

  18. It's difficult to determine whether or not we are the new Rome. In some ways we are like Rome, but at the same time, we are different. Similar to Rome, we have a powerful army and control places outside of our borders. However, Rome controlled a larger empire than us so we aren't as overextended as Rome was. I think that the U.S. should stop worrying about how other countries are running themselves, and we should work on fixing our own economy and working out the kinks in our system. America's problem is that we try to make everyone happy, and that is just a dream that can't come true.

  19. I dont think that the USA is a empire but in ways it is similar to Rome. We have many of the same jobs and we also have a democracy. I do not think that our gov. is collapsing yet but you will never know.

  20. yes i do think that US is like an empire. It has some strict rules even though its a "free country". US is a large spread area with one strict "ruler" and there are "leaders" under him but still follow his "ruling". so in ways yes, US does remind me of an empire.

  21. I think were like the roman empire in its time but not to that extent. We are both very powerful but I think the roman empire was stronger for it's time period. Yes we have an empire because we have an organize government with people. I think were collapsing a little bit but not enough for us to crumble apart.

  22. The US is in a lot of ways like rome. we are like rome because we have different social classes. We also study many different religions. no the US is not an empire.

  23. I do not agree with this at all. Yes, I do believe that the US does carry a lot of world power and that it also carries a lot of military power over parts of the rest of the world. But, I do not agree because in t he times of the Romans, they felt it was necessary to conquer and overtake other societies to take power. They wanted as much control over as large a land and as many people as they could gain. They believed that the more they had, the more powerful they would become. In the end, the Roman civilization collapsed because of that exact reason, too much power. That is why I do not think that the US is, or has, turned into what the Romans were in their time.

  24. I believe the U.S. is very similar to Rome. We have built up an enormous empire that has a great population. Like the Romans the government has a strong hold and we are the center of global trade. Unlike the Romans we have many different religions. In same ways both civilizations have made numerous advances and have created amazing architecture and outstanding public works.

  25. The Us is very similar to Rome. Rome They wanted power just like the US, because in a quick second we can fall apart on many things so therefore the US needs to stand strong the whole time. Right now we have great government & stable laws and we don't need to change anything right now.

  26. US and Rome are a lot a like, Rome became corrupted at the end of their society and US is definitely corrupted beyond belief. But we also are a very powerful country, we have so much say in what goes on in the world and every asks our opinion. We are the most powerful country in the world, and we have a lot to maintain and hold up and I'm sure its not easy, but we are a very corrupt and backwards country at the same time. We are very power hungry, just like the Romans were and at some point we are going to slip up and fall into the wrong hands.

  27. I believe that the US and Rome are similar in ways such as our political power and relationships with other countries. Just as the Romans did, we have a lot of power in the world. Our Government's job is to make sure we don't collapse. They have studied other civilizations to learn from their mistakes. We have the knowledge to keep our nation strong in the time of economic turmoil.

  28. I do not think that the US is Rome of the 20th century, we have some things similar to them but not everything. I think that we are over-extending ourselves but we aren't going to the extreme of trying to concur everyone as they did. I think that we are a very powerful country but we are not an empire because we have a government that is a Democracy. I also do not think that we will collapse since we are such a strong country, and we aren't making as many mistakes as the Roman Empire did leading up to their collapse.

  29. I think they are both similar and different. The US is not an empire, its much more different. Something that is similar is that we both have a strong army that goes out and fight for us. I believe that just like all the other societies there will be a falling point in the US, but we have many more technologies than back then so I feel that we could get through it.

  30. I think the US is VERY similar to Rome, although the US is much farther ahead technology speaking, how we rule our government is closely alike. We are very much involved and usually the center or basis of warfare and send troops all around the world to impose "harmony." I believe that we have some form of empire, but not as intense as Rome's. We all live under a set of rules from a higher force, but follow a president rather than a dictator. Because our government has such a history and a strong base, I do not think we will go down easy, or collapse like the Romans. Though our "Empire" is going through a hard economic time, we have the right leaders to help us through.

  31. I don't necessarily think that the US is Rome, but I do see many similarities. I don't believe the US is an empire, simply I see it as a leading nation. Maily just giving other places ideas and examples of what objectives to accomplish or to follow. I could see how other places would think of the US as an empire, but it isnt under a certain ruler who presses religion, rules for women or children that are discriminatory, or extreme punishments for not following the "empire". As for now, I don't see the US collapsing like the Roman empire. Because the times are different now and people are less barbaric. Also, because none of the states in America are being forced to move due to being conquered.
