Welcome to the blog for Ms. Aby's World History class!

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby's 10th grade World History class at Jefferson High School in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on prompts that ask them to reflect on history and how it connects with their views. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Post 2: First Civilizations

Read the following quote from A People’s History of the World by Chris Harmon. Then please answer my questions below. I look forward to reading what you have to say.

“There were only two options if such groups (he’s talking about early civilizations in the Middle East and Latin America) were to maintain their settled way of life. One was to resort to raiding other agriculturalists (farming communities) for food, so that warfare became a growing feature of such societies….The other option was to develop more intensive and productive forms of agriculture. There was a premium on technological innovation. Farming groups which undertook it could survive the threat of famine. Those which did not eventually died out of fell apart. “ (p. 18)

Do you agree with Harmon that these are their choices? Which choices did early civilizations in India and China take? What choice would you make if you were a leader in an early civilization and why?


  1. No I don't agree with harmon. China and India made advances in their technologies to fix their problems.If I were a leader i would have tried to work with other leaders instead of having warfare between us.

  2. I strongly disagree because thats not the ONLY thing that people would do. an example of what people did to get food is the would become marketers and trade thinks that they would make for food. The early civilizations mostly became farmers so the had a lot of resources on their own. If i was the ruler I wouldnt have our people raid other cities to get food. i would teach the people smart ways to get food that they could pass on to others.

  3. -I do believe that these are two choices. India and China, however, did both in my opinion. They started off being great farmers and didn't have very far to go.
    -At some point though, they began to attack other places. The Han Dynasty for example expanded by attacking near by places. The India civilization didn't really have another choice. They mostly attacked other places because the rivers that they were by flooded, causing the crops to be ruined - forcing them to attack.
    -If I was a leader of a early civilization, I would have just advanced our farming techniques to survive. It is mostly a safer way to go because there is no chance of losing lives, but it also provides control so that you know what crops you're going to farm.

  4. I do agree that these are the two choices that the people had. I think that they often used both methods though. They would overtake a land and then they would better the farming and techniques that were used on the land and then the process would begin again. I think that India and China invaded other lands in order to make their empires bigger, and then they changed the farming techniques on the land to be better for the foods that they wanted to grow. If I was a leader in early civilization definitely would invade the other lands and steal their land and then impose my own farming techniques on the land.

  5. I do agree with their choices. I think that those are the only two options of what to do. They chose to either become farmers or warriors. If I had to be a leader of an early civilization, I would choose to be a farmer. It provides food for your family and you can earn money by selling the food to others. I think that fighting for area is wrong. It doesn't solve anything in the world.

  6. I agree that these were the two main choices that the civilizations had to make in order to survive. I think that India and China chose to do a little bit of both options. They became better farmers, but they also raided other civilizations for food and also to expand their territory. If I was a leader I would try and advance my civilization in the area of making crops so that we would not have to steal from others. If a civilization can make their farming efforts more effective and advanced they do not need to steal from others because they would have plenty. In that case the only reason to take over another civilization would be to expand territory, not increase food supply.

  7. I do agree with him, other than having a harmony of the two there really isn't another way to advance your civilization. China and India both chose the path of developing technologies, because China had a lot of advances and India didn't believe in violence. If I were a leader I would have chosen the peaceful method and tried to advance my technologies, because that way it doesn't involve the downfall of other civilizations.

  8. Yes I believe with Harmon and that these are the two choices. Either the civilization can try and invent new technologies and ways to survive, or they can go get what they want from others and risk war. India and China did a little bit of both which is what made them successful. By staying and inventing both were able to move their civilizations at a rapid pace. Also by going to war and taking what they wanted they both sustained their physical dominance over other civilizations. However other strategies can be just as useful. Trading is a good way to get things you want, and keep the peace between the civilizations.

  9. I do not believe the only choices were to raid other farms, or to put all time and effort into being exceptional farmers. I think that civilizations could have also decided to specialize in farming a few crops, while still having job specialization in other areas, and then use the quality crops to trade for a larger variety of food. This is what ancient China decided to do by using the Silk Road, and it was how the Chinese came into possession of figs, cucumbers, and walnuts among other things. Ancient Indians also went this route, by farming many things, but trading for others. I would choose this option if I were ruler, because then my civilization would be known for something other than being plunderers or obsessive farmers.

  10. i agree cuz they need to protect themselves and keep their economy going

  11. I agree with this statement because there really isn't another option. I believe the development is more beneficial then raiding other people because development provides long term improvement. India and China both made more productive forms of agriculture, but they both also raiding nearby people. As I said before, development is better so I would definitely decide to make advancements instead of raiding nearby people.

  12. I agree with those choices but there not the only ways to get food while you can trade with other nearby civilization. India and China first start off farming food. If I was a leader I would first start off by having farmers because then you don't have to rely on stealing food where you might not be able to get food and some people might die.

  13. no I don't agree they could have had chose other ways for food but they didn't. India and China chose to raid and steal from each other instead of work together and form a civilization. If I was a leader I would have chose trade as an option or working and forming one large community instead of stealing.

  14. For the most part, those are the two main options. It was either all or nothing, to become great warriors or great farmers. Even though trade was another major option, it still involved much farming or manufacturing. Indian used both farming and trading in their early civilization. China used the Silk Road to trade and buy with other countries. I think what I would have done would have also been somewhat of both. War in certain times in inevitable, but getting your own products and goods is part of your responsibility as a civilization.

  15. I think that those were their 2 choices for getting food other than from animals. Early India and China both decided to become very good at farming and protected themselves from other groups trying to take their land over. If I was a leader i would do the same as India and China. It would be easier and way less expensive to farm and protect. To go other places would require money invested in weapons and a lot of travel through the mountains. Not to mention the risk of soldiers dying.

  16. I do not agree with Harmon because I think there were some other succcesful ways that these early civilizations settled their way of life. Warfare was present during this time, especially with the Han Dynasty in China, but they also contributed to societies growth and development besides just conquring. Farming and trading were also big in developing and maintaining a civilization. I believe both India and China civilization used these traits to settle their way of life. If i was a leader, I would persue trading and farming because I believe it is the best way for the economy to progress as a whole.

  17. I do not agree with Harmon because there were more options. China and India survived because of technological advances. The option of regarding to warfare shouldn't accepted. It just leads to a bad life. If I were a leader, I would try to keep peace, and use farming techniques to keep people alive.

  18. I somewhat agree that these are the basic choices for early civilizations. Another option is trading. I beleive India took in the options of farming and trading. China in a way, took in all three. If I was a ruler, I would for sure trade and farm of the civilization I was ruling. However, I would not try to fight other civilizations for food.

  19. Yes, i agree with what Harmon says are the two choices. These are the only ways that they were able to get food and survive so thats why they had to do them. I think that in early India and China they started some of their civilizations by "raiding" other places to get what they needed. Later once they were more stable both started to make things on their own, and farm all that they needed and more. If i was a leader in an early civilization I would have chosen to develop the countries farming abilities so that we would be able to depend on ourselves for our food, and not others. To me that would make more sense, and it'd be easier than always having to take from others.

  20. I somewht agree with what he is saying. I think that since people either farmed better or conquered other civilizations he would come to that conclusion. In China I know that some people stayed and farmed, but the majority of China went and conquered the other places. That's is how the empire started. I think that the majority of India stayed and farmed because they didn't believe in violence. There were however a few civilizatons that did go and steal others food. What I would do is first try and farm because there is no sence in going and fighting if you haven't tried other things yet. If the farming doesn't work then i will have to go and conquer other people.

  21. I do not believe that those we their only options. Yes i think they should have became better farmers instead of stealing other peoples food but they should done a form of job specialization. In civilizations that lasted long time periods the people had special jobs and then they had certain people to focus on the food and that way there was not too many or too little people working on food and they could focus on other jobs. I feel that if they had people work on food they would have had enough for everyone. The China and India civilizations did both i think. If i was a leader I would have people farming. NOT stealing! :)

  22. I think that these were probably the two most evident and logical solutions to these groups in their search to find enough food for their civilizations to survive. In the civilizations such as the Indian and Chinese they chose to use both methods of providing food to their people. Both civilizations conquered several other smaller cities and nations, gaining soldiers, land, citizens, and food. However, they also improved their irrigation systems which in turn greatly improved their crops which gave them more food to support their people.

  23. For the most part, I agree with Harmon's statement. In order for your civilization to flourish you need to have a consistent farming and trading system. Food and goods were essential for their way of life. Without them the civilization would fall.

  24. I kinda agree, theres not much you can do other than those two options. If I were a leader and farming wasnt going so good,i would send warriors to take over other peoples land, and crops. i wouldnt want to do that, but you have to protect your people. Athough before i made that decision, I would try to advance our tecnology for farming.Why would you make enimies if you didnt have to?

  25. I disagree with Harmon. They didn't have to resort in raiding others for food. Harmon didn't have to make violence in order to solve problems. India and China did both ways in technologies in order to solve their problems. But I also guess if I was leader I would do whatever it takes in order to say my people. So if that make raiding others for food in order for my people to survive I would do whatever it takes. So I guess some good and some bad can away from the ways of civilizations.

  26. oh and if i were their leader i would've focused more on improving the technology to help increase crop production, creating a larger crop and providing more food.

  27. ADDITION TO PREVIOUS COMMENT: Both India and China used farming to sustain life. But the Han dynasty later conquered others nearby.

  28. I agree with their choices. There aren't very many other choices that you could do. China and india found ways to create very good ways of farming and created better irrigation systems. India and China conquered many territories and I'm sure they took their food when they conquered them. I would do anything it takes to get food for my civilization. I would resort to taking other people's food if I was desperate.

  29. I agree with Harmon's statement. Farming and conquering were two major ways for ancient civilizations to survive. Both ideas allow the city to focus less on food and more on improving other aspects of their lives. India and China mainly improved their farming techniques to sustain their civilization. For instance, they both found better farming tools, but also conquered surrounding lands. If I were a leader I would choose to improve my farming techniques. It is a much safer and less violent way of survival. I believe that this would benefit my civilization the most and create a more positive atmosphere. Rather than being forced to be separated from their families and fight in a way, they can stay safe in their family and farm.
